Sunday, June 5, 2011

Middle East Conference 2011

Just for the record, and so this opportunity doesn't fade away into history forgotten, I just wanted to mention that the M.E. Conference we put on at LBS was quite successful. Below is the article I wrote to promote the conference.

As the Middle East undergoes radical transformation, London Business School's Middle East Club will be holding what promises to be a timely and insightful conference on the economic future of one of the world’s fastest growing regions.

Middle East Conference 2011 will bring together some of the most prominent business leaders from the region on 2 June for an intellectual exchange on some of the hottest topics, namely growth and human capital.

Speakers will include members of key organisations that are playing an important role in shaping the outlook of the new Middle East, including Fathy Saud (President, Qatar Foundation), Joe Saddi (Chairman, Booz & Company), and Motassim A. Al-Ma'ashouq (VP, Saudi Aramco).

The conference, which is sponsored by Booz & Company, will shed light on the future drivers of growth in the Middle East. Issues such as how companies and countries can capitalise on the region's rapid change will be addressed. As the Middle East is at an inflection point, discovering new pillars of growth will be crucial if the region seeks to carve out a niche for itself in the global economy.

London Business School's Dean, Sir Andrew Likierman, will deliver the closing speech of the conference.

Created on 25 May 2011

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